Saturday, February 6, 2010

On Designing Boot Loaders and Grey-box-Testing Firmware (Part 1/2)

I am currently TAing SE350. The students’ deliverable is a small real-time executive kernel (RTX) that runs on a Freescale Coldfire chip. We got the idea of building an automated embedded test suite for the students’ term projects. However, instead of having to compile the students’ code from scratch we would only want to take their firmware binary directly and test it. This testing would involve injecting several test processes in the students’ OS. These tests would stress their implementation and dump the results to a serial port of the actual Coldfire board. Having worked in the embedded field this problem is similar to integrating boot-loaders with firmware. In the project, the boot-loader is the testing code and the actual firmware is the code to be tested.
You end up with two pieces of binary code that will be programmed into your device. So the challenge is to make them talk to each other. In the case of the boot-loader, you have the boot-loader invoking the firmware, and in the case of the testing code the testing code invokes the RTX.
In the following sections, I describe the steps for…
  • Building a tool-chain,
  • Developing the boot-loader-, firmware-code,
  • And integrating the different SREC/S19 files
In the second part I will describe how to leverage the established framework to design a native testing suite.
Step 1: What tools do I need?
In order to run stuff on bare (i.e., no existing OS) chips you need to have a tool chain that translates your source code into ELF files (ELF = Executable and linkable format) and SREC/S19 files for flashing it onto the device. We need:
Step 2: Where to put my firmware code?
If you are going to integrate two pieces of code, you need to make sure they do not overlap in flash and do not access themselves in an undesired fashion. Since you are developing on the bare hardware, you actually have complete control over the former property and can enforce the latter by a careful code design. Your generated ELF file will consist of three major sections, as follows:
Note that the BSS segment exists for some historic reason and in almost all OS lectures it is implied by the data segment (i.e. data := data + BSS). By convention the text segment starts at a lower address than data and BSS segments. When your program is executed the data the values of the data and BSS segments are copied into the main memory. However the size is not established at runtime. The program’s stack for function calls and local variables resides on the heap which is by convention allocated after the BSS segment and grows dynamically. The GNU tool-chain you just build includes the GNU Linker that allows specifying these locations explicitly by linker scripts (i.e., LD files). GNU LD files have a simple structure describing:
  • The memory banks and locations,
  • How to spread your code across those locations.
The following simple example file describes an embedded system (i.e. in my case: CJDesign’s MCF5307 board). Most evaluation boards, like mine, come with a huge SRAM and actually have a ROM that allows you to load stuff in main memory. As such, we will dump all code into SRAM for testing purposes. The following example specifies the assignment 1 MB at address 0x10100000 to SRAM and dumps all sections of the code into that segment. Hint the space after the section names is required to ensure the uniqueness of the names. The actual code will execute from the SRAM start address, which is 0x10100000.

/* firmware.ld */
  sram        : ORIGIN = 0x10100000, LENGTH = 1M

  .text :
  } > sram

  .data :
  } > sram

  .bss :
  } > sram
A note for SE350 students: Guys please do not attempt to hack the linker file provided by the course. You may run into serious trouble by using my linker script or hacking the existing one!
Step 3: Building your firmware
To compile and link your source (firmware.c) with this file, use the following command.
m68k-elf-gcc -Tfirmware.ld –o firmware.elf firmware.c
You may want to generate a listing of the file to see that everything is at the expected location, as follows:
m68k-elf-objdump -xdC firmware.bin > firmware.lst
In order to flash or deliver this file to the customer we actually need to convert it into the Motorola S19/SREC file as follows.
m68k-elf-objcopy --output-format=srec firmware.bin firmware.s19
Step 4: Building the other piece of code
What’s left to build is the boot-loader. In order to ensure distinct flash and memory regions you need to provide another linker script that puts all the boot-loader code into a different location than the other code. A wise choice is to put this code as far away from the actual firmware as possible, possibly at the end of the available memory. The following code offsets the memory bank by 1MB and dumps the code there.
/* bootloader.ld */
  sram        : ORIGIN = 0x10200000, LENGTH = 1M

__FIRMWARE__ = 0x10100000;

  .text :
  } > sram

  .data :
  } > sram

  .bss :
  } > sram
In order to invoke the firmware we need to put a symbol inside the linker script that identifies the expected starting address of the firmware, which is in this case called firmware. This symbol can be used from the C-code directly as function call. In order to avoid any compilation warnings you should forward declare this function as external. The compilation and transformation into the S19 file is analog to creating the firmware code. You should end up with a bootloader.s19.
Step 5: Throwing things together
In practice when you build an embedded device. It should have the boot-loader and some firmware programmed in when it leaves assembly. In many cases the interface that the end-user has to the device (i.e. a USB connector) is different from what you have during assembly (e.g., an in-system flash tool). As such it is necessary to throw the boot-loader and the firmware together.
The S19 format is a simple ASCII data exchange format, originally developed by Motorola, for executable code. It is widely accepted by most programmers for Motorola-based embedded systems. The files are processed line by line; each line contains a control code, a record size, an address, an optional data sequence and a checksum. You find the details here.
GNU Object Copy usually outputs:
  • A block header (S0),
  • A sequence of data records (S1-S3)
  • And the start-address (S5-S9).
The block header usually contains the name of the file (e.g., firmware.s19 or bootloader.s19). Most ROM loaders on evaluation boards will actually processes start address record, which is in our case the declared origin of the SRAM, and fail to load if they do not find it, so it needs to be included.
So in order to put the boot-loader and the firmware together into one file you need to provide one header, the data of both programs and one starting address:
  • Header: any of the firmware/boot-loader, or a custom header (see below)
  • Data: concatenate the data records of both original programs
  • Starting address: the start address of the boot-loader
Step 5a: Composing your own header
Yes, geeky people like me actually like implementing checksum algorithms and brand their creation. In order to do so we need to dive into the checksum procedure used by S-records. According to Wikipedia the checksum is “[…]the least significant byte of ones' complement of the sum of the values represented by the two hex digit pairs for the byte count, address and data fields.” So guys, its time to dig out those algorithm-class-notes and figure that out, … oh wait …, found it:

  • Sum up all bytes starting from the byte count record.
  • Set: checksum = 0xFF – (0x00FF & sum)

Why the hell would anyone use such a check-summing algorithm? The answer is simple: It can be easily checked! While processing the S19 records, you can actually sum everything up, including the provided checksum and should get 0xFF. That is a simple compare operation and that can be evaluated in no time.
Step 6: Testing your Creation
If you build the Coldfire simulator according to my instructions you can invoke the simulator as follows…
coldfire --board cjdesign-5307.board
and load the code like this…
Use CTRL-C (SIGINT) to cause autovector interrupt 7 (return to monitor)
Loading memory modules...
Loading board configuration...
        Opened [/usr/local/coldfire/share/coldfire/cjdesign-5307.board]
Board ID: CJDesign
CPU: 5307 (Motorola Coldfire 5307)
        unimplemented instructions: CPUSHL PULSE WDDATA WDEBUG
        69 instructions registered
        building instruction cache... done.

Memory segments: dram  timer0  timer1  uart0(on port 5206)
                 uart1(on port 5207)  sim  flash  sram

!!! Remember to telnet to the above ports if you want to see any output!

Hard Reset...
Initializing monitor...
Enter 'help' for help.
dBug> dl merged.s19
Downloading S-Record...
Done downloading S-Record.

dBug> go 0x10100000 <- the actual firmware
... some garbage, because RTS returns to nowhere...
dBug> go 0x10200000 <- the boot-loader invoking the firmware
You should yield the following output on the terminal (telnet localhost 5206).
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

Inside firmware! <- 1st go of the firmware
Inside boot-loader! <- 2nd go inside firmware!
Inside firmware!
Back in boot-loader!
In this part of the how-to I explained the basics of building two pieces of binary Coldfire code and integrating them into a single file that can be processed by most programmers and ROM-loaders. A popular application is the integration of boot-loader and firmware code for embedded system assembly. Another application is embedded grey box testing. In this technique, instead of a boot-loader a test-suite is evaluated against the firmware to check for potential defects. In the next post, I’ll describe how to design such a test framework.
You can find the sample code of this post here. The code will contain some modified linker scripts that deal with particular alignment problems of the simulator. Furthermore, the boot-loader and the firmware should have different stacks so some assembly files have been added to do so. The S19 merging is done by the python script
References and Sample Code


  1. Thanks for this blog :) ,
    I have a problem here with GCC making
    ../../../libssp/ssp.c , lots of errors in this file ... don't know the you have any idea about this ?

    i have downloaded GCC4.4.5 and when making it, it gives the previous error :S

  2. Hi Ahmed,
    that seems to be an error with newer compilers. See the updated build instructions here. You don't need GCC 4.x as cross compiler. The optimization imposed by the compiler will provide some performance benefits, but will substantially make your life harder when it comes to debugging.

    There the updated instructions for GCC 3.4.6

    This one had the same issue that you described on a more recent version of Ubuntu. Maybe the updated CFLAGS will work for your version too.

